2E - 1517's Teen Fall Camp
If you know a teen who'd love to attend, please encourage them to apply!

We’re hosting our first camp for exceptional teenagers over Columbus Day weekend! Potential attendees who apply by August 1st will be given priority. After the 1st, we will allow some rolling applications, but since we have limited spots, we anticipate that the list will be filled quickly!
2E, the event, will bring together 20 - 30 teens for camping at Hidden Villa in the Bay Area from October 5th to the 9th. We’re looking for teenagers who get giddy over hanging out with their irrationally passionate peers — teens who want to meet mentors working at the frontiers of technology. And would love to engage in shenanigans, pranks, and night hikes with the group.
We’re looking for the rarest of rare beings, social geeks. We love collecting them at 1517. There’s just something transcendental about being around people who love sharing their passions and curiosities so much that they uplift and inspire everyone around them. 2E is a space for those teens to gather who want to geek out on their interests with others, experience cutting-edge technologies, and collaborate with great minds in those fields – all wrapped in some mischief (you’ll see!)!
Our goal is that, by the end of the weekend, they will have made some new friends, explored new fields of science and tech, and learned a trick or two.
2E comes from the education landscape and means twice exceptional – generally thought of as high intellect with additional unique attributes & challenges. We think 2E connotes people with very high potential who are interested in taking their destinies into their hands and charting their own course – re-focusing unique abilities towards untrodden paths.
Teens attend free with housing provided; that said, most will need to provide their own flights and transportation to/from the Bay Area. Parents of minors will need to sign a notarized waiver to attend and since this is a small event, we will not have room for parents on site.
If you or a teen you know is interested in attending 2E, send us an email at 2E@1517fund.com with answers to the following questions either in written form or video using Loom (please feel free to make multiple Looms if necessary!).
Can you attend the whole thing? [afternoon/evening arrival on Oct 5th and departing in the afternoon/evening of Oct 9th]
Talk nerdy to me; what areas are you irrationally passionate about? How did you get into this area and what about it keeps you engaged? (It could be seriously anything! I am, for example, a Dip N’ Dots fanatic):
What’s something that you made for fun?
Have a fun fact that has blown your mind lately? What is it? (Mine is learning that not only do we share microbiomes with pet dogs, but they transfer the microbiomes of other household members to each other too!)
How did you hear about 2E?
Anything else you want to share? Have questions?
Please send this in by August 1st, if you are interested in attending!